reply to discussion 6

I will discuss just how helpful (3) Three dyads situations could be a valuable source to a Growth & Experiential Group.

It is important to for a leader to pay attention during the selection process to whom to pair members with, it makes a big difference to the success of pairing. It is the leader’s choice to which dyads to users in a group session. A “Dyad, is considered an “activity”. Dyads either involve completing a task, individually and or “pairing group members”, to discuss problems. “Dyads are immensely valuable because they can be used for so many different reasons” (Jacobs, Schimmel, Masson & Harvill, 2016, p. 216).

Dyads are considered important for several initial reasons; in which I will provide below: 1. The comfort and atmosphere in the room & the group must be of positive energy. 2. The group will need a minute or two to warm-up. 3. The leader will usually go over the sessions activities and at the same time, be processing information. 4. Within the group, the leader will be able to actually finish a topic, if session timing allows, and if need changes the session activities format. 5. Dyads help a leader in interaction with members, as well as aids in helping particular members be assigned together to work on issues. 6. While a dyad is in use, and the member(s) are occupied in discussing their concerns, the leader will have time to prepare or think about their planning of the session.

I’ll describe a few particular reasons I feel are important to be used as a leader of a Growth and Experiential Group

I would use Impact Therapy, Motivational and Multisensory skills, and activities. Keep in mind that a creative leader is a skilled good leader. What is essential to keep in mind is the Interpersonal (facilitator) and Intrapersonal (Leader). The Interpersonal, facilitator emphases on the group process. The Intrapersonal, leader, emphases on the personal issues or concerns. Screening, I believe is important and should be mandatory. It should not be considered done if it is overlooked. Assessing a group on a continual basis is necessary. As a leader, I think a leader should consider planning a group session well in advance, as well as having a backup plan, is being prepared for a group member crisis or a group disruption.

The Three (3) Dyads I think are important to Growth and Experiential Group are 1. Rounds. 2. Cutting Off. 3. Drawing Out.

1. Rounds: Regardless to the particular group being held or helped are important. The use and considered purposes are valuable in “quick data gathering from individual members”. Also by seeing which members of the group chooses to participate by choice. “If they are interested in focusing on the purpose being discussed, as the group progresses through that day’s session” (Jacobs et al, 2016, p. 209-213).

There are two (2) particular Rounds that I will describe.

A. Designated Work: Could be considered a designated number round. “The Here and Now, the Here not in the present and the Here and Now, staying on track with the group and members of the group (Jacobs et al, 2016, p. 206).

B. Phrase or Word Round: It is important to the “Here and Now purpose the group, as to the Responding and Reactions to concerns, issues” and or statements being discussed (Jacobs et al, 2016, p. 209).

C. Things to think about: Much thought needs to be given to where the “Round starts and is terminated”, as either the “completion of the round”, or if the round is abruptly interrupted by a conflict (Jacobs et al, 2016, p. 209-211). In order to proceed in the rounds, the process must be” beneficial”, indicators of a round being beneficial is in the “responses and feedback”, and if all the group members are comfortable with the process related to the dyad. (Jacobs et al, 2016, p. 210-211).

2. Cutting Off: This particular dyad must be “delegated” and “effective” in the guidance of the round (Jacobs et al, 2016, p. 116-118). 1. Brief responses are necessary if a member is focused, rambling and talking for more than five minutes, a Cut Off is necessary., 2. If a group member is taking the round off track, and in a different direction., 3. Comments are not on the topic., and 4. Group members are showing distress, and or an emotional tone of voice, as well as demonstrating “anger towards another member” (Jacobs et al, 2016, p. 177-188). Nonverbal cues are used in giving members signals to end their discussions and allow the next member to talk.

3. Drawing Out: Drawing out is used when a member is reluctant to talk, and to figure out “Why”, this member is withdrawn. (Jacobs et al, 2016, p.192). According to Jacobs et al (2016) gave a few examples I’ll provide; 1. “Member observation, if anyone paired member is not participating”. 2. If a member is “nervous, bored, or passing his or her turn”, when it’s their time to talk. 3. The leader could ask if member “wishes to make a comment about what was just said” (p. 196-198). I would consider asking members what they are thinking, here and now, how the member feels participating in the round about themselves and or even, how a member feels about the group progress today.

I believe it’s important to explore feedback, during the round, and at the end of the dyad. The leader should be direct with any questions being asked. It would help in determining if a member is listening, as any comments to make and what’s to make to the leader prior to the round ending. (Jacobs et al, 2016 p.220-222).

The last technique in Drawing Out, I think is important is “Spin-Off”, it involves pairing group members with another member, who is interested in or discussing issue(s) of similar nature, based on original topic, working on or what the leader has discussed to further the success of the round (Jacobs et al, 2016 p. 366).

(Ecclesiastes 4:9; NKJV) says,” Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil”.


Jacobs, E. E., Schimmel, C. J., Masson, R. L., & Harvill, R. L. (2016). Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills. (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments: NKJV, New King James Version. (2006). Nashville: Nelson Bibles.

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