privacy in public

1. Privacy in public: (Privacy in Public.pdfOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader ) a) Describe the concept of “überveillance” or omnipresent surveillance. How does it differ from “regular” surveillance? b) What is the “mosaic” theory of privacy? Explain why such a theory is necessary today. c) Taking one of your regular school or work days as an example, list in chronological order all of your encounters with cameras as you go about your day. Are you surprised by how many you can count? Why or why not? d)Thinking about the example of the interface created by Google to allow people to request the removal of their personal information, list similar privacy-protective technological measures that are available on social media, such as Facebook. e) Do you agree that people in a public space should have a right to privacy and anonymity, or do they give up such rights once they enter the public sphere? Please write a short essay

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