preschool setting psychology homework help

Plan to spend about 30 minutes to an hour in a preschool setting. A good time to observe would be during circle time, independent learning time, or during free choice time. If this is not an option, please view the video, Five Basic Functions of Language, found in Chapter 7 of your text.

Describe the interactions and the language experiences that are taking place in the social setting. Refer to Chapter 7 for various examples of ways this can be seen in the classroom. Record your observations in a professional manner, maintaining the confidentiality of the site and the teachers’ and students’ real names. Use your observations to write an analysis of the language experiences that were observed.

In your discussion post, be sure to include your actual observation notes as well as a 150- to 250-word analysis that is supported by reference(s) to the textbook.

For your analysis, discuss:

  1. What experiences support language acquisition?
  2. What experiences/interactions need refinement?

You will rely on the information you have gained thus far, as well as your insights, to evaluate the above questions. Be sure to format all in-text citations and reference(s) in APA style.

Please use the chapter attached and use in-text citations to complete the assignment.


Piper, T. (2012). Making meaning, making sense: Children’s early language learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

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