organizational theory 8

elect the link to read Case C – I’m from the Government — and I’m Here to Help You

Case Summary

1.) In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented in the case.

Case Analysis

2.) Explain the dilemma for organizations that have particularly serious regulatory issues. How should Jay resolve the differences in requirements from the Federal agency, OSHA, versus the state?

3.) Employing Porter’s Five Forces model, analyze the industry niche of care for the mentally retarded. What specific conclusions can be drawn from your analysis?


4.) Jay believes the required vaccinations would cost almost $30,000 a year, primarily due to his staff turnover rate, which is approximately 40%. Are there any suggestions you might have for Jay as to how he could reduce that turnover rate? Does the general environment model’s socio-cultural segment offer any clues?

Completed section needs to contain a minimum of 250 plus words per question. Each question requirements 2 different references.

APA Format

Making sure one for the reference is the reading material and the correct APA format for the reference is


Lester, D., Parnell, J. (2006). Organizational Theory. Decision making, power, and politics. Retrieved from…

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