Entries by Milly

Ony For Expertutor Transcultural Nurse

Transcultural nurse Guideline :- due date octubre 17 – at least 2 paragraph for case -APA format -at least 1 reference per case 1- While on break from school, Jose, a nursing student, discusses his coursework with his family. His parents are intrigued and ask a lot of questions, especially when he mentions transcultural nursing, […]


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Evidence-Based Project Proposal

Evidence-Based Project Proposal Project Overview: Title: Evidence Based Project-Proposal  Description:  As the course progresses over the 11 weeks, learners will develop a scholarly project that demonstrates an application of evidence to practice for substantive change. This project emphasizes critical appraisal and application of evidence-based research, scholarly writing, and critical thinking. The scholarly project will be […]


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HIT Projects And Decision Makers

HIT Projects and Decision Makers A nurse leader sought to implement greater security in the children’s wing of the hospital by installing a new alarm and monitoring system. Due to budget constraints, the CNO rejected the proposal, stating that current security methods were sufficient. Shortly after this failed proposal, an individual did in fact breach […]


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NURS 6241: STRATEGIC PLANNING IN HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS – Discussion 3 (Grading Rubic And Media Attached)

Discussion: Developing a Philosophy, Goals, and Objectives   As addressed in this week’s Learning Resources, an organization’s philosophy statement derives from its mission and indicates the values and beliefs that steer decision making. An organization’s philosophy statement should be used to develop goals and objectives that lead to assured action.   As effective organizations recognize, […]


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Discussion: Sexually Transmitted Infections

Discussion: Sexually Transmitted Infections The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there are 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections every year in the United States (CDC, 2010b). STIs may present serious health implications for infected patients—especially for those who are unaware of their health condition. Studies show that women are not […]


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AACN Competencies And The School Mission, Vision, And Outcomes

 AACN Competencies and the school Mission, Vision, and Outcomes According to a Gallup poll completed in 2013, 82% of respondents indicated that they believe nurses have high to very high levels of honesty and ethical standards, and nursing has been rated as the most trusted profession for several years (Gallup, 2010). What other values and characteristics are […]


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Week 2: Political, Ethical, And Economical Influences On Health As You Examined In Week 1, The Disparity Of Available Health Care Staffing…

Week 2: Political, Ethical, and Economical Influences on Health As you examined in Week 1, the disparity of available health care staffing is varied throughout the world. Often, countries with the greatest disease burden have the fewest health care professionals available to care for their populations. This week extends the premise further to analyze the […]


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Week 8 Discussion

Case Study 1 You see a 1-week-old Asian infant for a weight check. The infant is back to his birth weight and is breastfeeding for 10 minutes every 2 hours with one 3-hour stretch a day. He is alert, has bowel movements with each feeding, and wets 8–10 diapers a day. His blood type is […]


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DUE TUESDAY 01/10/2017 —> ADVANCE NURSING PRACTICE 1   Assignment 2: Case Study Analysis and Care Plan Creation Click here (I COPIED AND PAST IT ON BELOW)  to download and analyze the case study for this week. Create a holistic care plan for disease prevention, health promotion, and acute care of the patient in the clinical case. Your […]


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Common Models In Health Informatics Evaluation

Common Models in Health Informatics Evaluation Have you ever watched a movie in which the same scene was shown several times but as viewed by different individuals? Or, have you watched a detective show in which the witnesses all had differing accounts? The same can hold true for conducting an evaluation of a health information […]


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