week 9 discussion darrel hicks

Respond by Day 5 to two colleagues by supporting or differing with any aspects of their analyses. A few sentences and a question. Respond to Darrel as if you’re havong a conversation.


The Atlanta Police Department, according to Atlantapd.org (2019), employs more than 2000 officers in the city’s capital. To provide effective and efficient services and to effectively address the needs of the community and employees it is crucial that the department’s budget is managed properly. An examination of the 2019 budget for the city of Atlanta rendered excellent detailed information about the use of the department’s allocated funds. Priorities that the budget addresses are, according to Atlantaga.gov, are “public safety, economic development, equity, transparency and the quality of life of all city residents” (Alantaga.gov., 2018, para. 1). Numerically speaking fund allocation includes a 3.1% pay raise accompanied by a one-time bonus of $500 for the Atlanta Police and Fire departments a boost in the pay of 10 million dollars for police officers. Other uses for funds, according to Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms’s Fiscal Year 2019 Proposed Budget (2019), including integrating technology, investing in health and wellness, a decrease in spending for supplies, increase in bonuses, and no changes in the areas of purchased services, interdepartmental services, the GMA lease payments. About the shortcoming of the document providing information about how funds will be allocated for policing methods (Traditional, community oriented, or others), public meetings, and tax needs or wants would yield beneficial information and results for the department and the community. Including such information will help identify community and department needs. Providing such information will help identify wants such as policing styles preferred by the public, policing styles preferred by officers, policy issues, and more. Providing such information may even evoke others to voice their opinion about the above-addressed issues and others, as well.


Atlanta Police Department. (2019). About APD. Retrieved From, http://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd, on April 23, 2019

Atlanta Police Department. (2017). Atlanta Police Department Annual Report 2017. Retrieved From, http://www.atlantapd.org/Home/ShowDocument?id=2466, on April 23, 2019

Bottoms L, K. (2019). Fiscal Year 2019 Proposed Budget. Retrieved From, https://45tkhs2ch4042kf51f1akcju-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Atlanta-proposed-budget-FY-2019.pdf, on April 23, 2019

City of Atlanta. (June, 2018). Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Submitted by Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Unanimously Approved by Atlanta City Council. Retrieve From, https://www.atlantaga.gov/Home/Components/News/News/11615/672, on April 23, 2019

Mandel, E. (October, 2018). Mayor Bottoms Boosts Atlanta Police Pay by $10M. Retrieve From, https://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/news/2018/10/01/mayor-bottoms-boosts-atlanta-police-pay-by-10m.html, on April 23, 2019


Darrel Elese Hicks

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