week 5 final research paper gender and culture

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review your feedback from the Week 3 Assignment: Summarize Your Sources for the Final Research Paper. Make sure that your instructor approved of the sources you chose for the final paper and your working thesis statement. Make any changes that your instructor requested prior to beginning work on the final paper.

For help in completing this assignment, see the Tutorial for the Week Five Final Paper, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.which will walk you through how to successfully complete the Final Research Paper.

If you’d like to see a bigger version of this tutorial, please click here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

In the Final Research Paper, you will

  • Describe an aspect of your own culture from an etic (outsider’s) perspective in Part I of the paper.
  • Describe an aspect of another culture from an emic (insider’s) perspective in Part II of the paper.
  • Apply cultural relativism in order to examine misconceptions about culture that may occur due to ethnocentrism.
    • Keep the distinction between cultural relativism and moral relativism in mind as you write your final paper.
    • Even if you do not personally agree with a cultural practice, explain how the practice makes sense in its cultural context.
    • Avoid opinionated or judgmental language in your paper.
  • Analyze your chosen aspect in terms of how it developed as part of a social system within both your culture and another culture.
  • Analyze your chosen aspect in terms of its purpose as part of a social system both within your own culture and another culture.

The Final Research Paper

Helpful Tips:

In this class, you have three tutoring services available: Paper Review, Live Chat, and Tutor E-mail. Click on the Ashford Writing Center (AWC) tab in the left-navigation menu to learn more about these tutoring options and how to get help with your writing.

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