theory integration 4
Theory Integration Paper
Objective: To demonstrate understanding of the major psychological theories and contemporary variations developed to explain human behavior within a social work context.
Content: The paper should focus on the following:
1An explanation of how the three major psychological theories (psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and actualization) that were reviewed this and the last semester account for sameness and differences among human beings. Why, according to each theory, are we all similar in some aspects for constancy and change in same person (individual sameness and change) over time? intra-psychic vs. social factors as determinants of behavior Recommended length: 2-3 typed double space pages.
2Using primarily the reading packet on contemporary ego theory, and behavioral theory, discuss how these modifications of the root (psychoanalysis and behaviorism) address the debate on the relevancy of intra-psychic vs. social factors as determinants of behavior. Summarize the part of the paper with your assessment of why this issue is important for social work.Recommended length: 2-3 typed double space pages.
Paper should be well organized, concise and clear with a separate focus on each of the two parts outlined above.Major ideas and direct quotes from the readings and class sessions may be documented with a simple footnote following the idea or a concept that are incorporated. Complete bibliographic information should be included in a reference list at the end of the paper. Paper should be free from racial, religious, gender or ethnic bias.Papers are expected to be individual effort, not a group project.