sports management 12

Included here are four interesting definitions of TEAMS:

Quinn (1996) described “a team as an enthusiastic set of competent people who have clearly defined roles, associated in a common activity, working cohesively in trusting relationships, and exercising personal discipline and making individual sacrifices for the good of the team” (p. 161).

Team performance functions include getting the job done, making decisions, solving problems, adapting to changes, making plans, and achieving goals. Team development functions include developing a positive climate, solving interpersonal problems, satisfying members’ needs, and developing cohesion (Northouse, 2004).

Effective teams have a clear mission and high performance standards (Hughes et al, 2006).

Cohesive teams trust one another, engage in unfiltered conflict around ideas, commit to decisions and plans of action, hold one another accountable for delivering against those plans, and focus on the achievement of collective results (Lencioni, 2002)

From the four definitions above, buzz words include “accountability,” “standards,” “competent,” “commit,” “performance,” “trusting,” “mission,” and, “cohesion.” Identify a sports organization that successfully developed a team, and presumably met its goal, by effectively adopting one or more of these team functions. Explain how your sports organization of choice embodied teamwork by relying on one of these team performance functions.

Find a sports article or editorial article relevant to the sports organization of your choice, and include it in your written assignment.


Hughes, R.L., Ginnett, R.C., & Curphy, G.J. (2006). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience (5th ed). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Lencioni, P. (2002). The five dysfunctions of a team: A leadership fable. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Northouse, P.G. (2004). Leadership: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Quinn, R. (1996). Deep Change: Discovering the leader within. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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