Prioritizing data from a community health assessment analysis

200 words for each respond


Prioritizing data from a community health assessment analysis can be challenging. There are sources that can assist individuals prioritize collected data from a community health assessment. When a community assessment is completed, there is often a lot of data to evaluate and it is important to have guidelines to help organize the information better.

The Tool Kit that was provided to us in this module was essential for prioritizing my collected data. I looked at the webpage and noticed that there was a lot of helpful information available. I reviewed the material and really thought about the information I gathered from my community assessment project. It is important to think about the magnitude and severity of the problem because this can help someone realize how specific diseases can negatively impact the community. The community’s willingness to fix the stated problem can affect which problems are priorities. If people in a community are willing to make changes to decrease obesity, this may be more of a priority than another issue they are not willing to make changes too, such as smoking. I also thought about the resources that are available to people in the community because this will help me prioritize my data more. Addressing barriers to attempting to fix an issue in the community is necessary because it may be helpful to create additional resources or guidance so people can overcome these barriers. I feel that this is especially important because many issues such as obesity, smoking, and heart disease have barriers that need to be overcome. I also think that selecting a committee can help with prioritization because this will likely help create more success with attempting to implement change in the community. The nominal group technique seems like it would be very helpful for helping me prioritize my data. This involves rating issues on a one to ten scale in a group discussion setting (Association for Community Health Improvement, n.d.).  This technique is my favorite out of the others listed because I can select my top issue in my community with the assistance of others that live in the same community. There are also different templates available to help with prioritizing data and teamwork seems to be important for helping determine the priority (West Virginia Center for Local Health, n.d.).

Prioritizing data can be challenging. I plan on using multiple techniques to decide what my priority is. I think that I plan on thinking about the data I collected and using the nominal group technique to help me finalize my decision. It will be important for me to think about the needs of the individuals in my community as well as what resources are available to help my community.


Association for Community Health Improvement. (n.d.). Community health assessment toolkit.  Retrieved from

West Virginia Center for Local Health. (n.d.). Methods for prioritizing health Issues. Retrieved from



It has been accepted knowledge that obesity is not only increasing at an epidemic rate in North America but also globally (Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2018). This is an issue of real concern because many health problems are associated with excess body fat. Thru usage of the Community Health Assessment Toolkit selected identifiers can give evidence to a platform applicable to the current community issue concern and support can be shown in community prevention outreach programs and facilities available (American Hospital Association (AHA), 2020).  The magnitude of obesity is gaining recognition due to the identified causing agent to be a leading factor to preventable illnesses and death in the United States. The severity of unhealthy weight gain shows people who are impacted are at a much higher risk for serious medical conditions than people who have a healthy weight (“Healthy People 2020”, 2019).

This subject is a high priority within the Orange County community of which I am currently concentrating and previously researched with data gathering for selection in community health issues. It has been identified that vulnerable populations are shown among school children with poor eating habit choices and limited selection within the school system as their primary meals for daily living (About Us, 2018). Working households with late jobs are having children defend for themselves at home for proper meal selections relying on high carbohydrates, sugar, and processed foods for resources.

Obesity has been associated as a root cause to other medical problems including heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and even some cancers (CDC, 2018). Yet, the community is aware and prepared to meet the challenge by showing a capacity and willingness to act through provisions of wellness programs available by the Florida Clay Health Department and other public venues such as YMCA organizations dispersed throughout the community. Provisions of recreational services such as summer and fall festivals encourage outdoor participation. Existing intervention focuses are seen by the upkeep and public safety provided in numerous walking trails, parks with recreational play equipment for children, sponsored walking, running, and bicycling events for charities annually promoted by local news and Facebook access (About Us, 2018). The ability to have a measurable impact can be identified from a small to a large scale by individual track progress that promotes healthy habits and decreases hospital stay as well as costs. Another example is the work shown by YMCA organizations that involve education, support, and encourage opportunities to belong and participate with sport events for adults and youth, day camp for youth, and volunteer work to challenge community concerns in engagement of all ages. With proper teamwork, communication, resource promotion, and access to community support obesity can be rectified in Orange County making one step closer to decreasing the national problem.


About Us (2018). Florida Department of Health Clay County. Retrieved from

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