Post-Graduation Plan for professional growth and development with individuals in your practicum setting

Assignment: Practicum Experience

As a nurse engaged in advanced practice, you are likely to find that discussing findings of an evidence-based project with your mentors and colleagues can expand your awareness of the implications.

Continue to discuss relevant evidence-based project outcomes with individuals in your practicum setting. Ask what implications they would draw from the findings, and what insights they can share from other projects that may relate to your project outcomes.

In addition, discuss your Post-Graduation Plan for professional growth and development with individuals in your practicum setting. Ask for advice on developing skills or expanding your areas of expertise throughout your care: Practicum ExperiencAs a nurse engaged in advanced practice, you are likely to find that discussing findings of an evidence-based project with your mentors and colleagues can expand your awareness of the implications.

Continue to discuss relevant evidence-based project outcomes with individuals in your practicum setting. Ask what implications they would draw from the findings, and what insights they can share from other projects that may relate to your project outcomes.

In addition, discuss your Post-Graduation Plan for professional growth and development with individuals in your practicum setting. Ask for advice on developing skills or expanding your areas of expertise throughout your care

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