peruse the probation report special report on cdcr california department of corrections supervision on the john gardner case noted below

*Peruse the Probation Report, Special Report on CDCR (California Department of Corrections) supervision on the John Gardner case noted below. As a result of his criminal conduct in the underlying case, in September 2000 the San Diego Superior Court sentenced John Gardner to six years in state prison for the sexual assault. John Gardner was sent to state prison on September 18, 2000, at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (department) reception center at Richard J. Donovan Correctional. In September 2005, Gardner was released from Avenal State Prison when he was paroled after serving five years of a six-year sentence.

Critically analyze is parole supervision. Note the terms and conditions of his parole. Note the violations of his parole terms.

Special Report CDCD’s Supervision

John Gardner Probation Report.pdf

*New Plea Agreement

*Supplemental Report

*Video Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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