need 3 companies of insirance must be in the us

Insurance Research Project –

Auto Insurance Research Project:

Research and analyze three different auto insurance quotes from three insurance companies, including your current automobile insurance company. Get quotes for the same policy you carry. If you carry full coverage on your vehicles, please get full-coverage quotes. If you carry only liability, get liability quotes. If you do not have any auto insurance currently, get the quotes just for liability coverage. Even if you do not carry any insurance, make sure you get three quotes and write about your experience with this research.

Review the quotes and write a two-page synopsis of your scenario and what you learned about automobile insurance from completing the assignment. In this assignment, you will thoroughly evaluate and interpret the quotes, analyze the alternatives, and make an informed decision. Support your decision with evidence or argument, and develop solutions to your existing policy using the information you derive from the automobile insurance quotes.

You must attach the insurance quotes with this assignment (please do type the contents of the quotes in your word file but save the quotes as PDF files and attach with the assignment). 50% of your grade in this assignment comes from the quotes, and the other 50% of your grade comes from your summary report.

Ensure to make a decision on which quote you will choose.

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