module 3 lively conversation 4
Today’s Lively Conversation is on fat-shaming and discrimination against fat people, especially fat women. It also aims to correct the common misperception that being smaller and skinnier means that someone is healthier. You’re writing about:
- Lesley Kinzel, “What’s Wrong with Fat-Shaming?” (2012)
- Melissa Fabello and Dr. Linda Bacon, “11 Reasons Your Concern for Fat People’s Health Isn’t Helping Anyone” (2017)
- Virgie Tovar, “I Fight for This Fat Brown Feminine Body” (2018) OR “Fat Liberation Isn’t About Whether Fat People Are Healthy” (2018) (choose one, or read both because she’s fabulous!)
- OPTIONAL but recommended!: Michael Hobbes, “Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong” –> feel free to write about this one if you end up reading it 🙂
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