literature review and evaluation 1

Criminal justice professionals and policy makers can reap substantial benefits by using information on promising programs from existing research to guide policy and practice. However, they cannot blindly adopt every promising program studied. They must carefully evaluate the alternatives for their strengths and weakness and choose the approach or combination of approaches around which to formulate a policy that meets the unique needs of the situation.


Provide a thorough description of the problem or process you selected (Juvenile Delquincy) for your Policy Project and an in-depth evaluation of the strength and weakness of each of the potential approaches to the problem or policy you researched.

Submit a 10- to 16-page APA-formatted paper in which you address the following:

  • Identify the problem or process related to policy. (1–2 pages)
  • Review the current literature relevant to the crime problem or criminal justice process issue. (6–9 pages)
  • Summarize the existing policy and potential approaches to the problem or process issue. (2–3 pages)
  • Assess the strengths and limitations of the policy and potential approaches. (1–2 pages)

Required Resources


  • This web page presents an overview of best practices for the reduction of juvenile violence.
  • Griffin, P., Addie, S., Adams, B., & Firestine, K. (2011, September). Trying juveniles as adults: An analysis of state transfer laws and reporting. Juvenile Offenders and Victims: National Report Series. Retrieved from

    This article provides an extensive overview of transfer law by state, including changes and shifts in transfer laws over time. Though it provides a significant comparison of the use of transfer laws among states, it notes significant gaps due to lack of comparable data. The article closes with a brief explanation of the impact of transfer laws.

  • Justice Policy Institute. (2011). Finding direction: Expanding criminal justice options by considering policies of other nations. Retrieved from

    This factsheet provides a brief overview of a study comparing U.S. juvenile justice practices. It presents comparative statics of incarceration rates and age of responsibility. It highlights alternative methods for rehabilitating juvenile offenders throughout Europe and Australia as well as the United States.

  • Teigan, A. (2014). Juvenile age of jurisdiction and transfer to adult court laws. Retrieved from

    The article offers a graphical representation of the age at which an individual can be tried as an adult in each state. It also outlines the four different types of transfer laws that allow juveniles to be tried as adults.

  • Thornberry, T. P., Huzinga, D., & Loeber, R. (2004, September). The causes and correlates studies: Findings and policy implications. Juvenile Justice, IX(1), 3–19. Retrieved from

    This research article describes the findings and implications of studies on delinquency.
  • Wasserman, G. A., Miller, L. S., & Cothern, L. (2000, May). Prevention of serious and violent juvenile offending. Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Retrieved from

    This article highlights factors known to impact juvenile offending.

  • Document: Policy Project Overview (PDF)

    This document provides an overview of the Policy Project along with detailed requirements for each part.


  • Democracy Now. (2014, February 4). Kids for cash: Inside one of the nation’s most shocking juvenile justice scandals [Video file]. Retrieved from

    This news report highlights a particular case of corruption in the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice System involving a judge convicted of accepting kickbacks for sentencing juvenile offenders to detention facilities.

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