I Need A Response To These Two People’s Posts Post On This Topic. There Is A Tendency For Novice Researchers To Develop Their Own Instrument If They Cannot Readily Find One. How Might You Respond To A Peer Or Manager Who Asks You To Help Develop A New Too
This is a 150 word response. Must 2 scholarly nursing articles within the last 5 years to reply to these posts.
1st person to respond to (Lauren)
Developing any part of a research study has it challenges. For a novice researcher, they may find it to be a little extra difficult due to their lack of experience. However, this should not stop a novice researcher from engaging in research studies. If a novice researcher is asked to develop a new tool to collect patient data, the novice researcher must first perform a literature review and establish a framework (Brannan, Dumsha & Yens, 2013). Once these are done, then creating the method for the study including the tool to collect data is next. The researcher should keep the design of the study simple and standardized but detailed enough that other researchers would be able to duplicate the study exactly (Brannan et al, 2013).
Because anxiety is a feeling that can only be self-reported, collecting data in a narrative or qualitative format would be ideal. According to Rose and Devine (2014), anxiety measuring instruments can be generic or specific depending on the anxiety. Since the peer or manager is specifically wanting data about anxiety prior to the procedure, a the more specific questionnaire tool should be used.
2nd person to respond to (Reji)
It is very challenging to find the best research method that will fit a given research agenda especially for novice researchers. Research problems can be overwhelming and if the novice is not familiar with the terms or concepts of the research the novice researcher will not be able to make an informed decision. To help the novice researcher, make an informed decision and help them find the best-fit research method is important for the novice researcher to appropriately implement his or her study within the accepted parameters (Polit & Beck, 2017).
First step would be to find peer-reviewed literature about the study in question, for this case anxiety prior to cardiac catheterization. Second would be to select a framework design for the data collection by creating a question needed for the study. Third, knowing the limitations and assumptions can eliminate or decrease bias (Ellis & Yair, 2010). After selecting the correct tool for the study, it is important to also know about how the procedure is done to understand what the patient’s go through when having a cardiac catheterization. Knowing how the procedure is done is very helpful because it helps to understand why the patients get anxious. A useful tool that can be developed to gather this data would be a questionnaire for the patients to be asked prior to the procedure. Interviewing individuals that are going to have the procedure or have had the procedure can help to analyze the reason why they experience anxiety.
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