how would you correct this graphic to support logical decision making and problem solving 1

In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 200 words), and respond to at least 2 peers’ postings (recommended minimum 75 words).

Assignment Details

Use the AIU Library, magazine, newspaper, or the Internet to find an example of when data has been represented by a visual graph and you believe the data or the interpretation is misrepresented.

  • Post your chosen image by inserting your graphic into a Word document and attaching the file to your DB post so your classmates are able to see your graphics. Some graphics cannot be copied and pasted into the DB thread correctly.
  • In your main discussion post, discuss the following:
    • Explain how you think the data are visually misrepresented or designed to evoke emotions that may cause someone to make an incorrect decision (and be sure to state which emotions).
    • How would you correct this graphic to support logical decision-making and problem solving?

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