ethical principles associated with the controversial healthcare situation


As a member of the Nursing Ethics committee in your organization you have been asked to create a poster presentation for the nursing staff breakroom for display during the upcoming Nurses’ Week. You look forward to this opportunity to share your passion for ethics in a creative way. The poster presentation should feature ethical principles, theories, and standards that guide ethical nursing practice pertaining to a current real world controversial healthcare situation in your workplace or current news.


Include the following detail in your poster presentation:

  • Summarize the controversial healthcare situation chosen from your workplace or current news.
  • Explain five ethical principles associated with the controversial healthcare situation.
  • Compare and contrast two theoretical frameworks as they relate to the controversial healthcare situation.
  • Explain how five of the nine provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses relate to and could impact the healthcare decisions made by nurses or clients in healthcare decisions that pertain to the controversial healthcare situation.
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