english assignment 84

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Assignment 2_9: Annotated Bibliography of a Tragic Hero


In Lesson 2, you read a fictional play based on the real-life of two tragic heroes—Julius Caesar himself, and his supposed friend. Marcus Junius Brutus. In this assignment, you will choose one of these historical figures and research his true story looking for specific information that supports that he was indeed a tragic hero. You will create an annotated bibliography of 5 sources from which you gathered your information. See the example document to help you fully understand what is required in an annotated bibliography in terms of formatting.

STEP 1: Choose Caesar OR Brutus

STEP 2: Research

Read about your chosen figure using the sources listed below. You will pick 5 of these sources to use for your annotated bibliography. YOU MAY ALSO CHOOSE YOUR OWN SOURCES, JUST BE SURE TO CITE THEM.

Marcus Junius Brutus

Julius Caesar


Ancient History Encyclopedia





“The Real Story Behind the Assassination of Julius Caesar”

History Learning Site

MIT Classics: Marcus Brutus


Ancient History Encyclopedia

Eye Witness to History




BBC History

History News Network

STEP 3: Characteristics of a Tragic Hero

Read through the various sources, and identify evidence from each one that shows this historical figure was a tragic hero. Use the chart below to assist you.

Find evidence in your research that tells about 5 of the following traits/characteristics:

Flaw or error in judgment

A reversal of fortune brought about because of the hero’s error in judgment

The discovery or recognition that the reversal was brought about by the hero’s own actions

Excessive Pride

The character’s fate must be greater than deserved

Suffers more than he deserves

Doomed from the start, but bears no responsibility for possessing his flaw

Noble in nature, but imperfect so that the audience can see themselves in him

He discovers his fate by his own actions, not by things happening to him

His story arouses fear and empathy (you actually feel sorry for him)

Physically or spiritually wounded by his experiences, often resulting in his death

He is intelligent so he may learn from his mistakes

Faced with a very serious decision to make

STEP 4: Write the Annotated Bibliography (SEE EXAMPLE below)

Cite each source (one at a time) with a paragraph below that citation explaining how the source shows us that the historical figure possessed a particular trait/characteristic of a tragic hero.


Mark, J. J. (2018, June 26). Julius Caesar.

Retrieved June 26, 2018, from https://www.ancient.eu/Julius_Caesar/

After reading this article, I felt that Julius Caesar’s story aroused fear as a military leader, and great empathy because he was assassinated. Not only did people end his life sooner than expected but his so called “heir,” Marcus Junius Brutus, helped assassinate him. His own friend got convinced to murder his friend to save the country of Rome which made me feel sorry for Julius.

History.com Staff. (2009). Julius Caesar. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/julius-caesar

In this article I read about Julius Caesar’s political and military career. Julius was one of the world’s greatest military leaders. I think because he was a politician this meant he was intelligent and his military experience should have made him learn from mistakes. He helped lead Rome in the 50s B.C.

Julius Caesar. (2017, November 30). Retrieved from https://www.biography.com/people/julius-caesar-9192504

This website was a biography on Julius Caesar. When I read the article I believe Caesar had excessive pride. One of the paragraphs said that he would cut off the hands of his enemies once their water supply was dried up. He also took over other places such as Gaul which is now France and Belgium. He had built up his military too.

Julius Caesar. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/ancient-rome/julius-caesar/

In this article I read about Caesar was appointed the position of being an ‘Adele’ which meant he had to basically keep the citizens of Rome happy. I believe he was noble in nature and I could see myself in Caesar because he really cared about the citizens in his country. He would even borrow money from people just to have the best of the best.

The Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC. (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttp://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/caesar2.htm

This website talked about the assassination of Julius Caesar. I believe Julius suffered more than he deserved. Caesar was a great military leader. He was a great politician. He became disliked when he decided to run a dictatorship. This turned around sixty members of the senate on him. I don’t think he should’ve been killed, but rather demoted and fired from running the government.

Assignment 3_8: Short Story Analysis

Write an analytic response to a SHORT STORY from Lesson 3 in the textbook . (Do not use a poem or a play.)

An analysis of a piece of literature focuses on the deeper meaning of it. Some people call this “reading between the lines.” Analysis includes identifying the tone, setting, purpose, figurative language, symbolism and theme of a piece of writing to grasp the underlying meaning. (These six literary terms are explained below.)


  • PARAGRAPH 1: To begin, you should have an introductory paragraph that states the STORY’s title, the author and provides a brief background on it. The last sentence in your first paragraph is your thesis statement and should tell your audience what the remainder of your essay is going to include. For example: This essay will examine (story’s title) by (author’s name) and how the author has used literary elements in creating this _______ story. (fill in blank with an adjective)
  • PARAGRAPHS 2, 3, 4: The body of your paper should be 3 paragraphs that focus on all or some of the six literary elements listed above. As you craft your body paragraphs, be sure to use direct quotes from the text to explain your examples.
  • PARAGRAPH 5: Your last paragraph should conclude by wrapping up your entire piece and restate what your essay is about. Finally, tell your reader what we should know after reading your analysis.


  1. Tone – The tone of a literary work is the writer’s attitude toward his or her audience and subject. The tone can often be described by a single adjective, such as formal or informal, serious or playful, bitter or ironic.
  2. Setting – The setting is where and when the story takes place
  3. Purpose – What was the author hoping to accomplish or communicate in writing this story?
  4. Figurative language- Figurative language is writing or speech not meant to be interpreted literally. It is often used to create vivid impressions by setting up comparisons between dissimilar things. Common figures of speech are metaphors, similes, and personification.
  5. Symbolism – A symbol is a character, place, thing or event that stands for something else, often an abstract idea.
  6. Theme – A theme is a general message or insight into life revealed through a literary work. It is basically what the writing suggests about people or life.


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