develop to advocate


Describe how you plan to advocate for your patients. Include relevant policies and stakeholders. Given the opportunity, what organization would you develop to advocate for the public and why? Some examples are American Cancer Society or the American Lung Association.

Assignment Description: This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more

This week you will reflect upon the Affordable Care Act and Patient Advocacy to answer the following questions:

  • How can you contribute to safe practice?  
  • Briefly define your role and tell how you will advocate for the healthcare consumer
  • Reflect on your future role changing as a result of policy changes
  • How do you see the role of your chosen profession changing in the near future?

Assignment Expectations: How will students be successful?

  • Length:
    • 1500-2000 words (6-8 pages); answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner
  • Structure:
    • Include a title page and reference page in APA style
  • References:
    • Two scholarly references are required; you should include the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions
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