corporate cybersecurity


Project Description

There are increasing media reports about cyber-attacks targeting public and private organizations all over the world. As cyber-attacks continue to get more complex and sophisticated, companies continue to invest more resources in cyber-defense programs to protect information assets from being compromised.

Below is a list of companies that have faced data breaches following successful cyber attacks:

  • TJX Companies
  • eBay
  • Equifax
  • Uber
  • Adidas
  • OPM


Select one company from the list above and prepare:

  1. 5-page report describing impact of the cyber-attack which the company faced, information assets which were compromised and how the cyber-attack succeeded. In your opinion, what could that company have done different to reduce the impact of the cyber-attack.
  2. 5 minute presentation – this presentation is due in the last week of classes and will be your final exam


1. Project Report (60pts)

a) Identification of presenter and topic (10 pts)

b) Description of the cyber-attack & compromised information assets (20 pts)

c) Recommendations of how the cyber-attack could be mitigated (20 pts)

d) Proper use of cybersecurity concepts and terminology (10 pts)

2. Presentation (30pts)

a) Identification of presenter and topic (5 pts)

b) cyber-attack & compromised information assets (5 pts)

c) Recommendations of how the cyber-attack could be mitigated (5 pts)

d) Proper use of cybersecurity concepts and terminology (5 pts)

e) Clear and coherent presentation storyboard (5 pts)

f) Time management (5 pts)

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