conduct a review of the literature
1) **********minimum 3 full pages ( not words)**************************** (cover or reference page not included)
2)¨**********APA norms ( All paragraphs need to be cited properly. All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences)
3)********** It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign
4) **********References from the last 7 years
The purpose of this Assignment is to help you learn to conduct a review of the literature, correctly identify the level of evidence of primary sources on the evidence hierarchy, and to critique the important aspects of a scholarly research report.
- Choose a nursing sensitive topic from the list below. Go to the University library and conduct a search of the literature and find 2 scholarly primary research reports that relate to the clinical topic you chose. List of 15 nurse sensitive outcomes:
- Nursing Hours per Patient Day.
- Nursing Turnover.
- Nosocomial Infections.
- Patient Falls.
- Patient Falls with Injury.
- Pressure Ulcer Rate.
- Pediatric Pain Assessment, Intervention, Reassessment (AIR) Cycle.
- Pediatric Peripheral Intravenous Infiltration.
- Psychiatric Physical/Sexual Assault.
- RN Education/Certification.
- RN Survey.
- Restraints.
- Staff Mix.
You may also choose from the following clinical topics:
- Diabetic management.
- CHF management.
- Readmission rates.
- Case management.
- Write a brief 3-page critical essay paper summarizing the two research studies. This paper should be written in standard American English with proper grammar and spelling. The paper should include a title page, running head, and page numbers; it should be double spaced, have a separate page for references that follows 6th edition APA formatting and citation style. Your paper should include the following:
- *************A title page in APA format
- *************An introductory paragraph which includes a brief discussion of the objectives of your paper.
- ************The body of the paper should include:
- 1) a summary and critique/appraisal of each article with a discussion of methodology and research design the researchers used. The writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
- 2) where you would place the article in the evidence hierarchy (level of research evidence) with rationale.
- a brief discussion of the findings of the study
- 3) how these articles contribute to the body of nursing knowledge and supports evidence for clinical practice. (one to two paragraphs for each study).
- 4) The body of the paper should be a continuous piece of writing that allows for a sustained viewpoint with logical order and organization.
- **********A summary paragraph (conclusion).
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