complete 2 topics on creative marketing solutions

1. Assume you are in an organization that is experiencing difficulty competing with others within a particular industry as a result of the entry of several new competitors into the market. You have been tasked by the organization’s leader with developing a creative marketing solution. Utilize deductive arguments to support the proposed solution. The response should include one of the following: 200 word minimum

  1. hypothetical syllogism,
  2. categorical syllogism,
  3. argument by elimination,
  4. argument based on mathematics, or
  5. argument from definition.

2. Assume you are in an organization that is experiencing difficulty competing with others within a particular industry as a result of the entry of several new competitors into the market. You have been tasked by the organization’s leader with developing a creative marketing solution. 200 word minimum

Develop a creative approach for improving specific processes, and utilize inductive arguments to support the proposed solution. The response should include one of the following:

  1. generalization,
  2. analogy, or
  3. causal argument.

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