clinical inquiry

To complete this Assessment:  Identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry. Develop a PICOT question to address this clinical issue of interest. Using the keywords from the PICOT question, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles at the systematic-reviews level. Create a 6- to 7-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:  Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest. Describe how you developed your PICOT question focused on your chosen clinical issue of interest. Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles that you selected. Provide APA citations for the four peer-reviewed articles that you selected. Describe the levels of evidence in each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected. Be specific and provide examples. Explain the strengths of using systematic reviews for clinical research.

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