capital budget proposal presentation


Submit your final project on The Venice Family Clinic

There are two components to this submission: a capital budget proposal presentation and a projected departmental budget. The capital budget proposal should be submitted as a presentation (either PowerPoint or an equivalent tool) with speaker notes.

The projected departmental budget should be uploaded separately as an Excel spreadsheet. In Milestone Two, you submitted a rough draft of this projected departmental budget which is attached below called MILESTONE 2 and the Excel sheet draft is attached below! Incorporate your instructor’s feedback and submit your final draft of the proposed departmental budget as part of your final project submission.

The venice Family clinic: 2018 Annual Report (most current Annual Report available) &  Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2018 ARE ATTACHED BELOW FOR REFERENCE. Must use.

Please follow all critical elements of project which instructions are in guidelines and rubrics attached below.

Milestones 1,2 & 3 have already been done prior to this final project.

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