assignment 1288

I will post my assignment and I would like from you to make a vane on it the be better according to the instruction

please I need to get a full mark

review and revise your document using the input from your classmate to assist your own revision process. Be sure to edit the document for grammar and spelling prior to turning it in. For convenient reference, the assignment is included below.

Problem description: You oversee a manufacturing facility that produces an automotive part (steel shaft for the gearbox). The acceptable dimension of the shaft is 2.5±0.05 inches in diameter with the most desirable product having a diameter of exactly 2.5 inches. Two vendors are trying to sell your company, Automotive Parts Corporation, their machines for the shaft-machining task. You have been asked to assess the machines from each vendor, and to make a recommendation for a machine vendor supported by a justification for your decision.

You asked both vendors to supply data on the machining accuracy of their machines for the given task. Both vendors machined 100 shafts, collected data, plotted histograms, fitted the histograms with normal distributions and supplied you with their findings.

Let X= diameter in inches of the gearbox shaft
Ace Machines: X has a normal distribution with mean 2.48 and variance 0.001
Best Machinery: X has a normal distribution with mean 2.51 and variance 0.002

When you are completing your memorandum be sure to address the following:

  • Recommend a vendor using the given information, develop and discuss your approach (give all details including quantitative justification). Your response to this question must be directed to the audience described below.
  • Examine the scenario as described and discuss what additional information would be helpful to make this recommendation a stronger selection, and why that information would be useful. Be careful not to negate your recommendation as you explain this.
  • Include your calculations as a titled addendum on its own page at the end of your document

Audience: You are creating this document for the company’s Chief Operating Officer, Lin Gerard, and copying the Chief Financial Officer, Aileen Kitts. Documents involved in major financial decisions like this may also be distributed by the addressees to other executives and the corporate board members.

Document: Complete this assignment as a memorandum. Utilize clear, professional language, including setting your Word preferences to more professional settings. Examples of professional language constraints would include:

Follow the guidance for a business memorandum provided in your reading.

DUE: April 4, 2019


Writing Assignment 2.5 P&S (Sp19 Dr. S)

Writing Assignment 2.5 P&S (Sp19 Dr. S)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMemorandum header is completedThe layout and content follow Document/Memorandum header instructions in “How to Write a Business Memorandum”

2.0 pts

The memorandum header is complete and correct

The memorandum header follows the provided standard, including an appropriate subject line.

1.6 pts

The memorandum header is weak in one area

The memorandum header is weak in one area but is otherwise is well done

1.2 pts

Memorandum header is poorly done

The Memorandum header is missing multiple elements or is substantially incomplete or incorrect

0.0 pts

The memorandum header is missing or extremely poorly done


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe summary is included and well writtenThe Summary is included and follows the requirements in “How to Write a Business Memorandum” . The summary is clear, complete and consice.

2.0 pts

The summary is well done

The summary is complete, clear and concise

1.6 pts

The summary weak in one area

The summary is weak in one area but otherwise is well done

1.2 pts

The summary is poorly done

The summar is incomplete and/or unclear.

0.0 pts

The summary is missing or extremely poorly done


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis section is includedAn analysis section is included following the guidance in “How to Write a Business Memorandum”. The section is clear, complete and concise. (It is NOT a step-by-step presentation of the calculations.)

3.0 pts

The analysis is well done

The analysis is complete, clear, and consice

2.4 pts

The analysis weak in one area

The analysis is weak in one area but otherwise completed well

1.8 pts

The analysis section is poorly done

The analysis is incomplete and/or unclear

0.0 pts

The analysis section is missing or not completed in plain language

he analysis section is missing or does not provide a plan language description, instead just walks through the calculations.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGraphics are included to support the case you are makingThe graphic(s) included must support your recommendation by making points more clearly than can be made in writing alone. They are clearly labeled within the graphic and include a figure or table label and number with a title that is located correctly. (review readings if needed)

2.0 pts

Graphic(s) is/are well done

Graphic are used to enhance the memorandum. They are included in an appropriate location in the document and are labeled completely in the image and are numbered and titled

1.6 pts

The graphics are weak in one area

Graphic(s) is/are missing elements but are otherwise done as required

1.2 pts

Graphic(s) is/are poorly done

Graphics are incomplete and/or do not support the case

0.0 pts

Graphics are missing


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion is includedA conclusion is included includes the elements in “How to Write Your Business Memorandum with a Recommendation”. The section is clear and concise.

2.0 pts

The conclusion is well done

The conclusion included the required elements and is clear and concise.

1.6 pts

The conclusion is weak in one area

The conclusion weak in one area but is otherwise done correctly

1.2 pts

The conclusion is poorly done

The conclusion is missing significant elements and/or is unclear

0.0 pts

The conclusion is missing or very poorly done


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppendix is includedAn addendum is included using the formatting indicated in “How to Write YOur Business Memorandum with a Recommendation”

1.0 pts

The addendum is included and formatted correctly

0.0 pts

The addendum is not included or is not formatted correctly


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment does not address the correct problem (minus 1 point)

0.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

Problem is not addressed (minus 1 point)


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe correct audience was not addressed (minus 1 point)

0.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

The correct audience was not addressed (minus 1 point)


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatisitical Calculation is correct

3.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks


Total Points: 15.0

14 mins ago

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