analysis of the impact on quality of care
It is unfortunate that here in The United States, we fall so short concerning our health care system. With advancements in technology and high-tech devices for care, it may seem to some that we, as a country, are providing impeccable health care to our citizens. Providing the best innovations to patients is one thing, but not having access to them is our downfall. Despite the healthcare systems best efforts to ensure everyone has access but enacting programs like what the Affordable Care Act offers, there still were “26% of U.S. adults 19 to 64 years of age had a gap in their insurance in 2011; in 69% of those, the gap lasted longer than a year.” (Carter, 2012)
People lose their access to healthcare for many reasons. In some cases, citizens lose their employment which had previously provided their healthcare their benefits. A study published in 2017 by Nicholas A. Jolly and Brian J. Phelan, reported that an individual without children who lost their job was highly unlikely to seek alternative health insurance coverage that is no longer supplied by their previous employer. (Jolly, N. and Phelan, B., 2017). The reason being they stated is because individuals with children were more likely to be married and could seek alternative insurance through their spouse. (2017) According to the most recently available information provided by, even here in Massachusetts, 55% of people were on employer-provided health insurance in 2018. (“Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population”, 2020)
Another group often experiencing gaps in insurance coverage are young adults. It is said that this particular group sees the most changes in insurance eligibility or changes than anyone else. (Tilley, L. L. et al ,2018). Tilley reports the reasoning behind this instability is “due to transitions in employment, income, college status, or family structure”. (Tilley, L. L. et al ,2018) In a study done in California, many young adults would only realize they did not have health care coverage when they were denied payment coverage for a service they were seeking. (2018)
While the gaps in coverage can be explained by employment changes or the lack of health insurance literacy amongst young adults, it is young children in Florida that are found to be without insurance coverage at all. In 2018, Florida reported a 6.2% rate of children uninsured in its state. (Alker, J. and Wagnerman, K, 2018). While it was stated that this is an all-time low due to the Affordable Care Act, any number of uninsured children should be considered significant. (2018) Alker said, “research shows that expanding Medicaid under the ACA 15 for adults leads to a “welcome mat effect” for children; children were less likely to be uninsured as their parents enrolled in Medicaid through the expansion.” (2018) Increasing the parent’s health insurance literacy could improve the lack of coverage in children.
There is no doubt The United States health care system needs improvement. Understanding the trends of why citizens have gaps in covered and why children are being left uninsured will hopefully have a positive outcome in future decisions regarding the system.
Respond to above article in 200-250 : Give an analysis of the impact on quality of care generated by these coverage gaps and the non-financial barriers to access .
Two APA references
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